- “Francisco Giner and the Consciousness of the Essay: the Krausista Legacy in North-American Hispanists.”
El pensamiento y la literatura del siglo XIX desde los siglos XX y XXI (Nineteenth Century Thinking and Literature from a Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Perspective), Barcelona University Press, 2020, pp. 483-489.
- “Isidora Rufete an Unleashed Reader.”
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2018.
- “The Pilgrim at the Crossroads: Terra Nostra Up to Date.”
Inti. Revista de Literatura Hispánica (Inti. Hispanic Literature Journal), no. 87-88, 2018, pp. 255-261.
- “Clarín as an Essayist: Mission and Wages of Journalism.”
Estéticas y estilos en la literatura española del siglo XIX (Aesthetics and Styles in Nineteenth Century Spanish Literature). Edited by Marisa Sotelo, Enrique Rubio, Virginia Trueba, Marta Cristina, Blanca Ripoll and Jessica Cáliz, Barcelona University Press, 2014, pp. 175-178.
- “A Transatlantic Approach to the Writings of José Martí.”
Arbor, vol. CLXXXIII, no. 724, 2007, pp. 255-264.
- “Ramón Gaya: A Nomad in Art. Reflections on Aesthetic Exile.”
España: ¿laberinto de exilios? (Spain, Labyrinth of Exiles?). Edited by Sandra Barriales, Newark, Juan de la Cuesta-Hispanic Monographs, 2005, pp. 95-108.
- “From Mythology to Hagiography in Spanish Proverb Collections.”
Paremia, no. 5, 1996, pp. 167-174.
- Introduction, activities and answers. Las bicicletas son para el verano (Bicycles are for the Summer).
By Fernando Fernán-Gómez, Barcelona, Austral Educación, 2017.
- Epilogue. “Terra Nostra‘s Transatlantic Perspective.”
Obras reunidas VI. Terra Nostra. By Carlos Fuentes, edited by Julio Ortega and Ana González Tornero, Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2016, pp. 813-824.
- Introduction, activities and answers. Antología poética del Siglo de Oro (Spanish Golden Age Poetry Anthology.
Barcelona, Austral Educación, 2014.
- Introduction, activities and answers. Tres sombreros de copa (Three Top Hats).
By Miguel Mihura, Barcelona, Austral Educación, 2014.
- Epilogue. “From Barcelona: Yesterday and Today of Historic and Literary Bilingualism.”
Extramares. Cinco nuevos narradores de Barcelona. (Extramares. Five New Storytellers from Barcelona.) Edited by Julio Ortega and Ana González Tornero, Mexico, Jorale, 2004, pp. 191-194.
- Cultural Communication Teaching
University of Barcelona, since 2020.
- Author of didactic resources on Literature
Web Project with Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library and the University of Barcelona, 2018 to 2017.
- Author of didactic resources on Literature
Austral Educación Project, 2017 to 2013.
- Transatlantic Literature Teaching
Support teacher, Consortium for Advanced Studies in Barcelona (CASB), 2014.
- Writing of didactic resources on Literature
Lecturanda Project, Grup 62, 2013 to 2010.
- Tutorials on Culture
Trinity College (Barcelona’s venue of the US Institution), 2010 to 2009.
- Spanish Literature Expert Evaluator
University admission tests (Matura), Swiss School in Barcelona, 2013 to 2008.
- Writing Teaching Fellow
Plum@ Programme, Brown University, 2004.
- Ruth and A. David Kossoff Teaching Prize
Brown University, 2005.
- Hispanic Culture and Language Teaching Fellow
Advanced level, Brown University, 2004.
- Assistant to the Language Coordinator
Advanced and intermediate levels of Spanish, Brown University, 2004 to 2003.
- Hispanic Culture and Language Teaching Assistant
Advanced level, Brown University, 2003.
- Spanish Teaching Assistant
Intermediate level, Brown University, 2003.
- Spanish Teaching Assistant
Introductory level, Brown University, 2002.
- Transatlantic Project at Brown University
Editor, researcher and teacher since 2013.
- Research group In Defence of Reading, University of Barcelona and Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library Foundation
Editor and researcher, since 2017.
- Spanish Nineteenth Century Literature Society (SLESXIX)
Member since 2008.
(selection)- VI Transatlantic Conference
University of the Basque Country and Brown University, 2019.
- VIII Symposium: Nineteenth Century Thinking and Literature from a Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Perspective
Spanish Nineteenth Century Literature Society and University of Barcelona, 2018.
- V Transatlantic Conference
University of Barcelona, Brown University and Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad (CASA), 2018.
- IV Transatlantic Conference
University of Granada, Brown University and Consortium for Advanced Studies in Granada, 2017.
- III Transatlantic Conference
Casa de America in Madrid and Brown University, 2016.
- II Transatlantic Conference
University of Barcelona, Brown University and Consortium for Advanced Studies in Barcelona, 2015.
- VII Symposium: History in Nineteenth Century Spanish Literature
Spanish Nineteenth Century Literature Society and University of Barcelona, 2014.
(selection)- Digital Humanties at Oxford Summer School
University of Oxford, 2020.
- Data Visualisation Tools: Transforming Information into Knowledge
Cibernarium Centre at Barcelona Activa, Barcelona City Council, 2016.
- Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School
University of Oxford, 2013.
- Community Manager
Twenty-First Century Technologic Initiatives (INITEC), Barcelona, 2013.
- Managing an Educational Project in a Cultural Institution
Professionals of Cultural Management Association in Catalonia, Barcelona, 2013.
- Professional Copyediting
Cálamo & Cran Institution, Barcelona, 2010.
- Professional Proofreading
Cálamo & Cran Institution, Barcelona, 2009.
- Hispanic-Jewish and Sephardic Culture. «Sephardim: Literature and Language from a Dispersed Nation»
University of Castilla-La Mancha and Friends Association of Sephardic Museum in Toledo, 2005.
- Writing in the Americas Summer Institute. «The Place of Literature: A View from the South.»
Boston University, led by Alicia Borinsky, 2004.